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23 description archivistique résultats pour Montréal

23 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Items on display in Montréal

Items from the Museum of Anthropology including spoons, hats, blankets, dishes, and model totem poles on display in Montréal for the Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".

Montreal pole

Image of a section of a totem pole, possibly a pole carved by Robert Davison for display in Montreal.

Montreal pole

Image of a section of a totem pole, possibly a pole carved by Robert Davison for display in Montreal.

Items on display in Montréal

Items from the Museum of Anthropology including house posts, feast dishes, a bentwood box, and model totem poles, on display in Montréal for the Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".

Items on display in Montréal

Items from the Museum of Anthropology including spoons, hats, blankets, dishes, and model totem poles on display in Montréal for the Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".

Montreal pole

Image of a section of a totem pole, possibly a pole carved by Robert Davison for display in Montreal.

Potlatch items on display in Montréal

Items from the Museum of Anthropology including house posts, feast dishes, a bentwood box, and model totem poles, on display in Montréal for the Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".

Potlatch items on display in Montréal

Items from the Museum of Anthropology including house posts, feast dishes, a bentwood box, and model totem poles, on display in Montréal for the Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".

Items on display in Montréal

Items from the Museum of Anthropology including spoons, hats, blankets, dishes, and model totem poles on display in Montréal for the Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".

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