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Término General First Nations


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  • Usado para Kwakkewlths
  • Usado para Kwakiutl

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767 Archival description results for Kwakwaka'wakw

767 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Constructing a canoe

Image depicts a partially completed canoe, filled with water outside. Two carvers, probably Douglas Cranmer and Godfrey Hunt, are also shown.

Sleeping face

Image depicts a carved head. The eyes on the face are shut; the mouth is open in an o-shape.

Sea gull mask, side view

Image depicts a side view of a sea gull mask. The bottom section of a totem pole is visible on the right side of the photo.

Old whale mask

Image depicts an old mask of a whale. Several parts are articulated and held together with string. Mask may have been found in Quatsino, on the northern portion of Vancouver Island.

Eagle painting

Image depicts an eagle, which seems to be painted on canvas rather than paper.

Outdoor cooking

Image depicts several adults standing outside, possibly at a salmon barbecue. One woman wears an apron and salmon is visible behind the people.

Salmon barbecue

Image depicts several adults standing outside, at a salmon barbecue. One woman wears an apron and salmon is visible behind the people.

Ceremonial dance

Image depicts the interior of a big house, possibly at Alert Bay, BC. People are dressed in regalia and a ceremonial dance seems to be in progress.

Inside the big house

Image depicts the interior of a big house, possibly at Alert Bay, BC. People are dressed in regalia and some kind of event is in progress.

Ceremonial performance

Image depicts several people involved in a performance. A female plays the drum. A male, clad in a bathing suit and regalia, dances on his knee. Another man wearing a headdress, stands at the back of the photo. Spectators are also visible in this outdoor scene.

Woman dancing

Image depicts a woman wearing wearing a mix of western clothing and regalia dancing outdoors. Several other woman can be seen dancing behind her. Spectators watch the dance as well.

Man dancing

Image depicts a man dancing outdoors. He wears swim trunks and regalia and is accompanied by two male drummers standing behind him. Spectators stand in the background.

Resultados 121 a 140 de 767