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  • UF Ksan
  • UF K'san
  • UF K-san

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3 archivistische beschrijving results for 'Ksan

3 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Interior of [Ksan] village long house, Hazelton, BC

Image of the interior of the new Ksan Village longhouse at Hazelton, B.C. Carter describes it as "an outstanding example of the old culture of the west coast Indian people" on page 110 of his book Abundant Rivers.

Zonder titel

Interior of [Ksan] village long house, Hazelton, BC

Image of the interior of the new Ksan Village longhouse at Hazelton, B.C. Carter describes it as "an outstanding example of the old culture of the west coast Indian people" on page 110 of his book Abundant Rivers.

Zonder titel

Interior of [Ksan] village long house, Hazelton, BC

Image of the interior of the new Ksan Village longhouse at Hazelton, B.C. Carter describes it as "an outstanding example of the old culture of the west coast Indian people" on page 110 of his book Abundant Rivers.

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