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31 descrição arquivística resultados para Kitwanga

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Fallen totem pole

Image depicts a totem pole lying on the ground. Figures are difficult to identify, but the most prominent one is probably human. Read`s diary indicates that this photo was probably taken at either the Kitwanga or Kispiox village site in Gitxsan territory of the Skeena Valley..

Totem poles along a road

Image depicts a row of totem poles standing along the side of a dirt road. Based on Read`s diary and the figures on these poles, this photo may have been taken in Kitwanga, and the pole on the far left may be the Dog Salmon Pole.

Totem pole close up

Image depicts a totem pole that features a human figure at the base and three other human figures, aligned horizontally across the pole. Other wooden structures can be seen in the background. Read's note indicates that a possible explanation for this pole can be found in Barbeau, p. 149, which suggests that the three humans carved in this pole may be Hrpugweelan, a crest of Ksemgitgeegyaenih, a Larhsail chief.

Totem poles along a road

Image depicts a dirt road with several totem poles situated along the roadside. The poles are viewed from a distance, making it hard to identify any crests on the poles. Several wooden structures can be seen near the poles and mountains are visible in the distance.

Grizzly bear of the water carving

Image depicts a close up of a carving of a creature that resembles a grizzly bear with fins on its back. This carving is similar to the one depicted in item a034843.

Memorial carving for a chief

Image depicts a carving (possibly concrete) of a fish-like creature with a dorsal fin, mounted on stone. The inscription reads CHIEF WIEAHAKYSOU (?) Died Mar 1912 Aged 70 years.

Totem with bear

Image depicts a short totem with a bear at the base, an uncarved portion, and a smaller animal at the top. The bear is noteworthy because of its realistic style.

Broken totem pole

Image depicts a part of a fallen totem pole, surrounded by foliage. The animal may be a wolf; it depicts teeth in an open mouth.


File contains historical photographs of Gitxsan villages, with a specific focus on totem poles and various buildings in the villages. There are also some images of the Gitxsan people in regalia. The textual records contain information to some of the photographs, listing the photograph's title and the museum and/or archive it originated from.

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