Archief 30 - John Mennie fonds

Totem poles - Alert Bay, BC Indian cemetery - Alert Bay, BC Totem poles - [Thunderbird on Dzunukwa] Totem poles - Alert Bay, BC Totem poles - Alert Bay, BC Cemetery Indian totem pole - Alert Bay, BC Totem poles - Alert Bay, BC Totem pole - [Thunderbird on Dzunukwa] Totem pole Totem poles Totem pole Totem pole - Alert Bay, BC Totem pole Totem poles Totem pole Totem pole Congregation from the back Ministers Ministers on podium
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Title and statement of responsibility area


John Mennie fonds

Algemene aanduiding van het materiaal

  • Graphic material
  • Textual record

Parallelle titel

Overige titelinformatie

Title statements of responsibility

Titel aantekeningen

  • Source of title proper: Title based on the provenance of the fonds



referentie code



Edition statement of responsibility

Statement of scale (cartographic)

Statement of projection (cartographic)

Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

Statement of scale (architectural)

Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

Datering archiefvorming


  • 1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937 (Vervaardig)
    John Mennie

Fysieke beschrijving

Fysieke beschrijving

0.5 cm of textual records
222 photographs : nitrate negatives ; 18 x 13 cm or smaller
6 photographs : glass plate negatives ; 12 x 16 cm and 8 x 16 cm
196 photographs : b&w prints ; 22 x 28 cm or smaller

Publisher's series area

Title proper of publisher's series

Parallel titles of publisher's series

Other title information of publisher's series

Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

Numbering within publisher's series

Note on publisher's series

Archivistische beschrijving

Naam van de archiefvormer



John Mennie was a radio operator in Alert Bay for Bull Harbor, Alert Bay Wireless and Alert Bay Radio between 1930 and 1937.

Geschiedenis beheer

John Mennie's son donated the fonds in 1988. 8 prints were found in the archives' backlog, along with the entirety of the fonds' textual records; these were integrated with the fonds in 1999.

Bereik en inhoud

Fonds consists of various photographic materials and a small number of textual records. Glass plate negatives document totem poles, house fronts, street scenes, church groups, school groups, weddings, the local store and maritime subjects in Alert Bay. Textual records include a Christmas card from Alert Bay Radio and two small pamphlets of photography instructions printed by "J. Mennie, Developing & Printing Service." The oldest negative dates from 1862, though the identity of its photographer is unknown.


Materiële staat

Directe bron van verwerving


Taal van het materiaal

Schrift van het materiaal

Plaats van originelen

Beschikbaarheid in andere opslagformaten

Restrictions on access

Access restricted to some items in this fonds due to presence of culturally sensitive material. Consult archivist for details.

Termen voor gebruik, reproductie en publicatie.

Consult Archivist for details


Physical copy of item index list available

Associated materials

Related materials


No further accruals are expected.

Alpha-numeric designations

BCAUL control number: UBCMOA-151

Alternative identifier(s)

Standard number area

Standaard nummer


Onderwerp trefwoord

Geografische trefwoorden

Naam ontsluitingsterm

Genre access points


Identificatie van het beschrijvingsrecord

Identificatiecode van de instelling

Regels of conventies


Niveau van detaillering

Datering van aanmaak, herziening of verwijdering

Taal van de beschrijving

Schrift van de beschrijving


Voorwaarden voor raadpleging en gebruik

Related subjects

Related people and organizations

Related genres

fysieke opslag

  • Doos: John Mennie fonds Box 1
  • Doos: John Mennie fonds Box 2