Jennifer Kramer

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Jennifer Kramer

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[19-?] -


Jennifer Kramer is an Associate Professor of Anthropology and Curator, Pacific Northwest at the Museum of Anthropology (MOA) at the University of British Columbia. She received a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from Columbia University in 2003. Her research focuses on Northwest Coast First Nations visual culture in regards to aesthetic valuation, commodification, appropriation, tourism, legal regimes, and museums.

Kramer is the author of publications that include Switchbacks: Art, Ownership, and Nuxalk National Identity (UBC Press, 2006), Kesu’: The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer (Douglas & McIntyre Press, 2012) which won the 2012 British Columbia Museums Associations Museums in Motion Award of Merit and co-editor with Charlotte Townsend-Gault and Ki-ke-in of Native Art of the Northwest Coast: A History of Changing Ideas (UBC Press 2013) which received three awards: the 2015 Canada Prize in the Humanities, Federation for Social Sciences and Humanities; the 2015 Jeanne Clark Award in Northern History, Prince George Public Library; and the 2014 Melva J. Dwyer Award, Art Libraries Society of North America – Canadian Chapter. Kramer is also a co-applicant and partner in a $1 million SSHRC CURA grant (2011-2016) to explore new alternatives for the recovery of Indigenous heritage of two Quebecois First Nations: The Ilnu of Mashteuiatsh and the Anishnabeg of Kitigan Zibi.

Kramer's curated temporary exhibitions include: Layers of Influence: Unfolding Cloth across Cultures (UBC Museum of Anthropology, 2016-2017), Beyond the Cap + Gown: 100 Years of UBC Studen t Clothing with her ANTH 43 1 university studen ts (IK Barber Learning Commons, UBC 2016), Together Again: Nuxalk Faces of the Sky with her UBC university studen ts (UBC Museum of Anthropology and the Seattle Art Museum, 2012-2013), Kesu’: The Art and Life of Doug Cranmer (UBC Museum of Anthropology, The Museum at Campbell River, The U’mista Cultural Centre, 2012-2013) and the The Story of Nulis – a Kwakwaka’wakw Imas Mask (UBC Museum of Anthropology, 2010-2012).


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Created 7 July 2016 by Robin Koning.




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