- Archief110 - Public Programming and Education fonds
- Reeks3 - Special projects
- DeelreeksB - Weaving Worlds Together exhibit and Musqueam Weavers source book development
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- BestanddeelMOA292e - Wendy Grant John at UBC MOA June 2/99
- BestanddeelMOA292f - Roberta Louis 17/6/99 With Jill & Betsy
- BestanddeelMOA292g - Roberta Louis June 17/99 With J Baird, E Johnson. Deb/Robyn Sparrow July 11/99
- BestanddeelMOA292h - Cecelia Grant June 24/99
- BestanddeelMOA292i - Janna Becker June 29/99
- BestanddeelMOA292j - Rose Point Nov 10/99 Betsy & Johnson Jill Baird.
- BestanddeelMOA292k - Musqueam Weavers Interviews Debra & Robyn 05/03/99
- BestanddeelMOA292l - Musqueam Weavers Interviews Lynn Dan 05/07/99. Linda Gabriel (Joe) 05/12/99.]
- BestanddeelMOA292m - Musqueam Weavers Interviews Yvonne Peters 05/17/99 D & R Sparrow
- 24 more...