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Dempsey Bob
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Dempsey Bob

File consists of records about Dempsey Bob such as a student paper and exhibit proposal. In addition are images of Dempsey Bob and his artworks.

Taped interviews

Interviewees include:
Jim Hart (2 tapes)
Dorothy Grant
Terry Starr
Susan Point (re: [Time])
Norman Tait
Alexander Peters
Rita Barnes (re: feast dishes MOA's Great Hall, 2 Dec. 2002)
Glen Tallio
Robert Davidson
Dempsey Bob (2 tapes)
William White (2 tapes)
Doreen Jensen
Richard Sumner (28 January 1997)
David Gladstone
Tim Paul
Richard Hunt (re: Shark mask)
Cryl Carpenter
Russell Smith
Bill Reid
Leona Sparrow
Alfred Scow