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A.F.R. Wollaston fonds

  • 10
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1915-1919

The fonds consists of photographs likely taken by A.F.R. Wollaston in Uganda, the Congo, New Guinea, and Fiji. Also included are the envelope in which the photos were posted, and a note from M (Marjorie Halpin) to Audrey (Shane? Hawthorn?) regarding the donation of the photos to MoA.

A.F.R. Wollaston

Basil and Edythe Hartley fonds

  • 27
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1941-1944, 1983

Fonds consists of audio, video, and visual materials created by Basil and Edythe Hartley. Materials include video footage of the Haisla people, which Hartley shot while working in Kitimaat from 1941-1944, a voiceover for the footage which Hartley’s widow, Edythe McClure, created in ca. 1983, a letter, and three photographs of Kitimat people and landscapes. The three audio cassettes all contain the same 1983 recording.

Basil Hartley

Bob Kingsmill fonds

  • 33
  • Fonds
  • 1977 - 1979

The fonds consists of correspondence, questionnaires, and photographs relating to Bob Kingsmill’s research for his book A Catalogue of British Columbia Potters (1978). In order to gather material for his book, Kingsmill created a questionnaire requesting information and photographs, which he sent to about 70 potters throughout British Columbia. The fonds consists mainly of the responses Kingsmill received, which include the completed questionnaires containing short biographical and artistic statements by each potter, together with black and white or colour photographs of the artists and their pottery.

Bob Kingsmill

Charles E. Borden fonds

  • 140
  • Fonds
  • ca. 1954

The fonds consists of a file titled Tsimshian Totem Poles and contains 38 black and white photographs of Kitwancool totem poles.

Charles E. Borden

Charles S. Brant fonds

  • 38
  • Fonds
  • 1948 - [200-?], predominant 1948-1950

Fonds documents Brant’s pre-doctoral research in Burma. As a Fulbright scholar working with the United States Educational Foundation, Brant submitted quarterly reports to the foundation detailing his arrival and adjustment to life in Burma, as well as his sociological research in the community of Tadagale and other areas of the country. Brant also provided the U.S. Foreign Service with his observations of life in the Shan States, where Brant and his wife first lived when they arrived in Burma in 1949. After returning to the United States in 1950, Brant published articles on the research he completed while in Burma. Records in this series include academic and government reports; articles; Brant’s curriculum vitae; a digitized slide show and 8 mm movie; a grant application; notes; and photographic negatives and prints. It is likely that most of the photographs were taken by Jane Brant, but these are not identified.

Charles S. Brant

Diane Elizabeth Barwick fonds

  • 41
  • Fonds
  • 1947 - 1958

The fonds consists of 7 photographs from a June 1958 centennial [centenary] celebration in Alert Bay that Barwick described as having been ordered from a local cameraman. There are also 7 postcards that contain images of Alert Bay ca. 1949 or 1950 that were purchased by Barwick in the summer of 1958. Sixteen negatives were taken by Barwick at an excavation at Beach Grove in the Fraser River delta in June of 1957, likely done under the guidance of Charles Borden, a Lecturer and later Professor of Archaeology at UBC who studied the Beach Grove site from ca. 1955 to 1958. Notes on the envelope indicate these negatives include images of D. N. Abbott, Colin McCafferty, and Nansi Swayze.

Diane Elizabeth Barwick

Douglas & McIntyre fonds

  • 42
  • Fonds
  • 1954 - 1985

The fonds consists of 83 images associated with two books published by Douglas & McIntyre: Bill Reid by Doris Shadbolt and The Raven Steals the Light by Bill Reid. The photographers responsible for these images are R. Dereth, R. Keziere, R. Lum and B. McLemore.

Douglas & McIntyre

Edward F. Meade fonds

  • 44
  • Fonds
  • 1953 - 1994

The fonds consists predominantly of slides of various petroglyphs and pictographs, primarily from locations on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. The fonds also contains location charts of petroglyphs and the creator’s typed notes about various sites.

Edward F. Meade

Ewen MacLeod collection

  • 46
  • Collection
  • Digitized 2011 (originally created June 1927)

The collection consists of three photographs of St. George’s Residential School in Lytton, BC.

Ewen MacLeod

Fred Ryckman fonds

  • 22
  • Fonds
  • [1920-1936]

The fonds consists of records created by Ryckman during his tenure with the Department of Indian Affairs, primarily from the 1920s and 30s. The fonds includes contact sheets made as copies of photographs that remain in possession of Ryckman’s heirs. Records in the fonds take the form of notes and correspondence. Also included in records is a ledger which contains census information. The fonds also includes photocopies of newspaper articles relating to members of the First Nations whom Ryckman came into contact with as a result of his work as well as materials relating to Ryckman himself.

The fonds consists of the following files:

1-1, Ledger Book [Original & Copies], c. 1920
1-2, Photographs [Negatives & Contact Sheets], c. 1920
1-3, Articles and Correspondence [Photocopies], 1922-1936
1-4, Kootenays [Typed & Handwritten transcipts], c. 1932

Fred Ryckman

Genni Hennessy fonds

  • 48
  • Fonds
  • 2002 - 2003

The fonds consists of records relating to Hennessy’s 2003 MA thesis titled The Spirit of Collaboration: Exploring Critical Pedagogical Principles in Transforming the Museum Through Space and Time. Hennessy was interested in the relationships that developed between community members and museum staff during the process of putting together the Museum of Anthropology’s exhibit The Spirit of Islam, which ran from October 2001 to May 2002. Her purpose was to document the kinds of collaborative processes that occurred as the exhibit planning progressed in order to identify a model from which other museums working with communities might benefit.

Genni Hennessy

George Szanto fonds

  • 138
  • Fonds
  • May 1962

Fonds consists of eight slides of totem poles being raised in the Haida Village at the University of British Columbia (UBC). The slides are dated May, 1962. The photographs were taken by George Szanto, the son-in-law of Geoffrey Andrew who was the Dean and Deputy President of UBC from 1947 to 1962.

The totem poles represented in the images were carved by Haida artist Bill Reid and 'Namgis artist Doug Cranmer. They were originally situated at UBC's Totem Park. They are now located on the grounds behind the Museum of Anthropology, and modelled on a 19th century Haida village.

George Szanto

Gillian Darling Kovanic fonds

  • 49
  • Fonds
  • 1973 - 2010

This fonds consists of textual records, photographs, negatives, slides, audio recordings, compact discs and video on DVD that relate to Kovanic’s academic and film career. The fonds relates especially to her work in Pakistan, India and Afghanistan, but also captures her work with First Nations on the Northwest coast of British Columbia.

Gillian Darling Kovanic

Gordon and Louanne Houston fonds

  • 50
  • Fonds
  • 1985 - 1987

During their time living in Bella Bella, the Houstons took many photographs of the lives of the Heiltsuk First Nation community documenting the day-to-day lives of the Heiltsuk First Nation as well as ceremonial activities. The colour slides document the construction, painting, and launching of the Gi’wa, a Heiltsuk canoe which sailed with the Lootaas, the Haida canoe built by Bill Reid for Expo 86. Some of the slides document the welcome feast at Bella Bella in honour of the Haida crew of the Lootaas. The colour slides also document several potlatches and wedding feasts held in the community hall, and the local Sports Day parade. Slides also depict the role of the fishing in the community, such as smoking salmon and processing roe. Other photos document gravestones on a nearby cemetery island, derelict canneries, petroglyphs and pictographs, totem poles and house posts, all in or near Bella Bella.

Houston (family)

Gordon Miller collection

  • 36
  • Collection
  • [1979?]-1993

The collection consists of nine large watercolour illustrative panels commissioned by the UBC Museum of Anthropology, eight of which were commissioned for the exhibit "The Four Seasons: Food Getting in British Columbia Prehistory," which ran from April to November 1979. The other watercolour is from an unidentified exhibit or sourcebook.

The collection also contains one painting that was commissioned by the museum for a publication (Museum Note, no.12, "Ninstints: World Heritage Site"), as well as a blueprint reproduction of a related drawing. These are renderings of how the houses and poles on a beach at the Ninstints village site might have looked when they were in use. The rendering is based on George MacDonald's map.

Collection consists of the following items:

001: The Four Seasons – Spring – Interior [1979?]
002: The Four Seasons – Spring – Coast [1979?]
003: The Four Seasons – Summer – Interior [1979?]
004: The Four Seasons – Summer – Coast [1979?]
005: The Four Seasons – Autumn – Interior [1979?]
006: The Four Seasons – Autumn – Coast [1979?]
007: The Four Seasons – Winter – Interior [1979?]
008: The Four Seasons – Winter – Coast [1979?]
009: Haida six beam house 1993
010: [Ninstints village painting] 1983
011: [Ninstints village, drawing for Museum Note] 1983

Gordon Miller

Harlan Smith collection

  • 87
  • Collection
  • 1919-1925, 1999

Fonds consists of photographic prints and text labels used in the “Emergence from the Shadow: First Peoples’ Photographic Perspective” exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, from October 22, 1999 to January 6, 2002. The images depict several different First Nations groups including Haida, Kimsquit, Bella Coola, Ulkatcho-Carrier, Chilcotin, Assiniboine, and Gitksan. The label text incorporates information which Smith recorded at the time of creation. It gives name and age (if known) of the sitters as well as lineage, employment, and style of dress.

Harlan Smith

Harry B. Hawthorn fonds

  • 51
  • Fonds
  • [189-] - [200-], predominant [193-] - [197-]

The fonds consists of records created and collected by Harry B. Hawthorn in a number of different capacities: as researcher, professor, Dean of Anthropology and Director of the Museum of Anthropology. Textual records in the fonds include correspondence, transcripts, research notes and clippings from publications. Much of the graphic materials relate to Harry Hawthorn’s interactions with Indigenous communities as an anthropologist, a professor, and as the Director of MOA. Other images relate to his personal life, documenting his youth in New Zealand, his life as a father and anthropologist, and his later established professional roles.

Harry Bertram Hawthorn

Helen Frances Codere fonds

  • 52
  • Fonds
  • 1955

The fonds consists of 28 black and white photographs taken by Codere in 1955 during her second field work expedition to B.C. 19 of the photos were taken in and around Alert Bay, while the remaining 9 were taken on Hope Island.

Helen Frances Codere

Helen Moore fonds

  • 53
  • Fonds
  • 1964 - 1974

The fonds consists of printed ephemera relating to First Nations art, correspondence, and photographs of Gitksan totem poles.

Helen Moore

Hilary Stewart fonds

  • 122
  • Fonds
  • 1962 - 2005

Fonds consists of material related to the art, research, and writing of Hilary Stewart. The bulk of the material is related to the production of her books on the culture and art of the First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest. The remaining material relates to illustrations that she did for publications by other authors, a small amount of material done for personal use, and collected research and ephemera that does not appear to be related to one specific publication. Material includes original illustrations, collected research and notes, book drafts and pre-press materials, photographs, correspondence, and collected memorabilia.

The material has been arranged into three series:
1 - Books
2 - Illustrations and other artwork
3 - Collected research and ephemera

Hilary M. Stewart

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