Hilary M. Stewart

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Hilary M. Stewart

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  • Hilary Stewart
  • Stewart, Hilary

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área de descrição

Datas de existência

November 3, 1924 - June 5, 2014


Author and artist Hilary Majendie Stewart was born on November 3, 1924 in St. Lucia, West Indies. She attended boarding school in England and served for six years in the armed forces. She studied at St. Martin's School of Art. In 1951, she moved to Canada with her brother, where she worked as an artist for CHEK TV.

Stewart is best known for her illustrations and books on the art, artifacts, and cultures of the First Nations peoples of the Pacific Northwest. She published 11 books over the years, in addition to doing illustrations for publications by other authors. Her 1984 book Cedar received one of the first four B.C. Book Prizes that were presented in 1985. She also received a B.C. Book Prize for her 1987 book John R. Jewitt, Captive of Maquinna.

Stewart was associated with the Archaeological Society of BC for many years. She lived for many years on Quadra Island for 35 years, and later moved to Campbell River. She passed away on June 5, 2014.


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Created May 2016 by Katie Ferrante

Línguas e escritas



"Hilary M. Stewart Obituary." The Province. June 14, 2014. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/theprovince/obituary.aspx?pid=171352628.

"Remembering Hilary Stewart." BC BookLook. June 14, 2014. http://bcbooklook.com/2014/06/14/23077/.

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