


Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

Note(s) sur la source

Note(s) d'affichage

Termes hiérarchiques


  • Terme spécifique Crown

Termes équivalents


  • Employé pour Headgear
  • Employé pour Hat

Termes associés


89 description archivistique résultats pour Headdresses

89 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Vickie Jensen

File contains images of Northwest Coast artifacts including bowls, baskets and nets, weavings, ropes, embroderies, hats, clothing, masks, and weapons housed in an unspecified museum(s). The textual records include a catalogue list of "materials sent to: the National Museum of Denmark, April 1928".

Burke Museum

File contains images of a Northwest Coast style cedar hat. Some of the images have a red dot next to them with the note "red filter".

Group portrait of three men

Three men stand posed for the camera. The man copy left is the same individual from the previous print wearing western-style clothing. The men standing in the centre and copy right wear traditional attire. Additional individuals stand on either side of this group, not fully visible here.

Sans titre

Lilo Berliner fonds

  • 145
  • Fonds
  • Nov. 1968 - 1975

Fonds consists of negative images of petroglyphs largely from the Pacific west coast of North America. Most of the images are from sites located in British Columbia, but there are also images from sites in Washington State, New Mexico, and other areas of the United States and Mexico. There are also images of artifacts, masks, totem poles, wood carvings, and graveyards. Images of family travels, landscapes, wild animals, and house cats are interspersed within the collection.

Sans titre

21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations

Item is a photograph of three young women, and two young girls standing in ceremonial dress (button blankets; carved and painted [wolf?] mask; and headdresses made of woven cedar, weasel(?), abalone, and eagle feathers). They are gathered for an event celebrating British Columbia's centennial in Alert Bay in 1958. Daisy Neel is in the centre wearing the frontlet and her twin sisters are the young girls in front of her. Emma Sewid [Seewid; Seaweed?] and Mabel Sewid [Seewid; Seaweed?] are on either sides of them.

Items on display in Montréal

Items from the Museum of Anthropology including spoons, hats, blankets, dishes, and model totem poles on display in Montréal for the Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".

Staff research, publications and productions

Subseries consists of material produced by museum staff, among them Wilson Duff, Harry and Audrey Hawthorn, Marjorie Halpin, and Gloria Cranmer Webster. There is extensive material on Audrey Hawthorn’s Art of the Kwakiutl Indians. Included in this subseries are ca. 2000 photographs which were collected for possible use in this book. Photographs are numbered A38-A17206 with many numbers missing throughout. The majority of photographs are of wooden masks, but they are also of bowls, bentwood boxes, paddles, rattles, totem poles, talking sticks, headdresses and frontlets, wooden figures and miniatures, whistles, spoons, silver bracelets, argillite carvings, button blankets, chilkat blankets, cedar head and neck rings, woodworking tools, stone tools, and fish hooks. Other record forms included in this subseries include correspondence, notes and published materials.

Monk performing in Saka Dawa festival

Item is a negative showing a monk wearing a wide brimmed hat with feathers protruding from the top. There is a large group of people in the background, watching the monk.

Résultats 1 à 20 sur 89