People wearing traditional clothes posed for photograph
- 4-02-a033863
- Item
- [?]
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a photograph showing four women wearing formal attire including headdresses.
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People wearing traditional clothes posed for photograph
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a photograph showing four women wearing formal attire including headdresses.
Person wearing traditional dress
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a photograph showing a person wearing a traditional dress.
Portrait of a man in native clothing standing near a church
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
A man in native clothing and a headdress stands in front of a fence near a church.
Fred Ryckman
Portrait of a man in native dress standing near a church
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
A man in native clothing and a headdress stands in front of a fence near a church.
Fred Ryckman
Portrait of four men in native dress
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
Four men in native dress stand in front of a structure covered in brush.
Fred Ryckman
Portrait of man in native clothing with others in background
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
A man wearing native clothing including a headdress faces the camera in the foreground. Behind him stand a man, woman and several children in western clothing. Other people and a wagon stand in the distance.
Fred Ryckman
Portrait of young adult male in native dress
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
A young man wearing a headdress and native clothing stands in front of a large tree.
Fred Ryckman
Private collection - Ethnic Arts Council Seattle
File contains images of bentwood boxes, cedar hats, and paddles from a private collection.
Rajah Tering and family, at their home outside of Gyantse
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a photograph showing five people seated with other people in the background. The image depicts Rajah Terrng, the brother of the King of Tering, seated in the center and his family. From left to right is Rajah Tering's unidentified daughter, son Chigin, son Shimi and his unidentified wife. The two women on the ends are wearing head dresses.
Reverend Thomas Crosby and unidentified woman in blankets and headdresses
Image of Reverend Thomas Crosby and unidentified woman in blankets and headdresses.
File contains copies of still images permission forms from the Royal British Columbia Museum, as well as copies of correspondence between McLennan and the RBCM regarding obtaining images from the RBCM for the <i>Signed without Signatures</i> exhibit. There are also photocopies of the images of cedar hats and silver bracelets supplied by the RBCM. The contact sheets include images of a cedar hat.
File contains copies of correspondence between McLennan and the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) regarding MOA borrowing some pieces from their collection to showcase in the <i>Signed Without Signature</i> exhibit. The majority of the photographs contain in this file are images of a cedar hat held at the ROM. Other photographs depict gold and silver bracelets.
File contains a contact sheet depicting a Northwest Coast style cedar hat.
Side view portrait of a man in native clothing
Part of Fred Ryckman fonds
A man wearing native clothing stands facing the right side of the copy print. His extended right arm is resting on something. A woman and other men are visible in the background.
Fred Ryckman
Staff research, publications and productions
Subseries consists of material produced by museum staff, among them Wilson Duff, Harry and Audrey Hawthorn, Marjorie Halpin, and Gloria Cranmer Webster. There is extensive material on Audrey Hawthorn’s Art of the Kwakiutl Indians. Included in this subseries are ca. 2000 photographs which were collected for possible use in this book. Photographs are numbered A38-A17206 with many numbers missing throughout. The majority of photographs are of wooden masks, but they are also of bowls, bentwood boxes, paddles, rattles, totem poles, talking sticks, headdresses and frontlets, wooden figures and miniatures, whistles, spoons, silver bracelets, argillite carvings, button blankets, chilkat blankets, cedar head and neck rings, woodworking tools, stone tools, and fish hooks. Other record forms included in this subseries include correspondence, notes and published materials.
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a negative showing the same two women pictured in the previous image (a033682). One of the women is turned around to show the back of her dress.
Part of Eric Parker fonds
Item is a negative showing four unidentified women. Two of the women are seated while the other two are standing. The women are wearing the Tibetan costumes and headpieces from the Lhasa region.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Image of a Tlingit war helmet. The caption for this slide says it is from the "Milwaukee Museum," possibly the Milwaukee Public Museum.
Two men in regalia on dock, Alert Bay
Photograph of two men in ceremonial dress standing on a dock in Alert Bay, BC. One man is wearing a headdress. The other is holding a carved pole.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Two Nuu-chah-nulth wolf headdresses. These were used as temporary grave parkers to indicate a memorial potlatch was being planned.