- 25-02-04-a037626
- Item
- 1967
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of a girl (Klaskhana?), possibly a Haida resident. A painting of the girl is in the background.
Anthony Carter
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Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of a girl (Klaskhana?), possibly a Haida resident. A painting of the girl is in the background.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of a girl (Klaskhana?), possibly a Haida resident, who is posing for a painting. The painting is visible in the background.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of a girl (Klaskhana?), possibly a Haida resident, who is posing for a painting. The painting is visible in the background.
Anthony Carter
Klaskhana (Haida) portrait with painting in background by Minn Sjolseth
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of a girl (Klaskhana?), possibly a Haida resident, who is posing for a painting. The painting is visible in the background.
Anthony Carter
Fonds consists of 21 photographs from the 1978 Bill Reid pole raising ceremony at Skidegate, an event at which Gill was an observer.
Kuldip Gill
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Portrait of Loise (or Lucy?) Franks, a basket-weaver. She is pictured on page 35 of the book "This is Haida." In this image, she is shown seated inside.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
File consists of images taken in the village of Masset on Haida Gwaii. Subjects include copper paintings, a painting of a young Haida woman, and scenery.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a painted piece of metal, showing a face and hands.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a painted piece of metal, showing a face and hands.
Anthony Carter
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Part of Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds
Image depicts canoes, house, house posts, and totem poles on a shoreline in Masset, Haida Gwaii, B. C. Handwritten inscription on the verso reads "This is a Indian Village in Masset B. C. at the turn of the century. As you can see there are a lot of wooden shacks, totem poles and canoes. it is a very wild and remote area [redacted]. grandfather Crosby used to travel to these remoat [sic] villages by canoe." Image appears to be reproduction of a039351.
Part of Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds
Image depicts canoes, house, house posts, and totem poles on a shoreline in Masset, Haida Gwaii, B. C. Printed around the border of the image is the photographer information "PHOTOGRAPHED BY R. MAYNARD, VICTORIA, . . . B. C." Handwritten inscription on the border reads "Massett [sic] Village Q. Ch. Is." Printed on the verso is the photographer information with the inscription "R. Maynard, Photographic Artist, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, COR. OF DOUGLAS AND JOHNSON STS., VICTORIA, B. C. -- Views of British Columbia and Vancouver Island for Sale." A handwritten inscription reads "Indian Totems Queen Charlotte's Island".
Maud Island, Queen Charlotte City
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a rocky beach, looking out across the water, with a small island visible in the distance.
Anthony Carter
Maud Island, Queen Charlotte City
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image taken from a rocky beach, looking across a body of water toward mountains on the other side.
Anthony Carter
Maud Island, Queen Charlotte City
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of tree roots in a forest. The image is very dark and details are difficult to discern.
Anthony Carter
Maud Island, Queen Charlotte City
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image shows a view looking across the water toward an island and mountains in the background.
Anthony Carter
Maud Island, Queen Charlotte City
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image shows a view looking across the water toward a few small islands and mountains in the background.
Anthony Carter
Maud Island, Queen Charlotte City
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of two trees near the shoreline. The image is very dark and details are difficult to discern.
Anthony Carter
Methodist church and mission-house, Skidegate
Part of Reverend Thomas Crosby fonds
Image depicts an exterior view of a church and mission house in Skidegate, Haida Gwaii, B. C.