Haida Gwaii



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Termes hiérarchiques

Haida Gwaii

Terme générique British Columbia

Haida Gwaii

Termes équivalents

Haida Gwaii

  • Employé pour Queen Charlotte Islands

Termes associés

Haida Gwaii

435 description archivistique résultats pour Haida Gwaii

282 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Chief Weah, Willie Matthews, at Dunbar House

Portrait of Chief Weah (Willie Mathews). A different portrait of him is printed on page 11 of Carter's book "This is Haida," with the caption: "Hereditary chief of the village 'Haida,' located at the north end of Masset Inlet its Indian name was 'Ottiowas.'"

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image is an aerial view of the pole raising area and crowd. The pole is still on the ground, with ropes attached to it and people lined up holding onto the ropes to pull it up.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows a section of the crowd gathered for the ceremony, many of whom are in what appears to be ceremonial dress.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image is an aerial view of the pole raising area and crowd. The pole is still on the ground, with a number of people next to the pull. They appear to be pushing the pole toward the hole in the ground in which it will stand.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows the pole after it has been raised, with a number of individuals below it shovelling dirt into the hole to secure the pole. The crowd, street, and a few structures are visible in the background.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image is a portrait of an unidentified man, likely Chief Weah (Willie Matthews).

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows a section of the pole while it is still lying on the ground, propped up on logs.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I., stone carvings

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows a crowd gathered for the event, including a group of three older men seated in the foreground, in what appears to be ceremonial dress.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I., stone carvings

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows Davidson speaking into a microphone, wearing what appears to be ceremonial clothing and a headdress. A crowd is gathered around him.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows two men (one is Davidson) and a woman standing at a microphone. They are inside at a banquet.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image was shot inside, at a banquet. There appears to be a few people exiting a stage, and others seated in the foreground.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows part of the crowd gathered for the ceremony, and is looking down the street with a number of house/structures visible.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image is an aerial shot showing the totem pole lying on the ground near the hole in the ground into which it will be propped. Ropes are attached to the pole to raise it, and people have begun to line up to help pull the ropes.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image is an aerial shot showing the totem pole lying on the ground near the hole in the ground into which it will be propped. Ropes are attached to the pole to raise it, and people have begun to line up to help pull the ropes.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image is an aerial shot showing the totem pole lying on the ground near the hole in the ground into which it will be propped. Ropes are attached to the pole to raise it, and people have begun to line up to help pull the ropes.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows part of the crowd, including a number of individuals wearing ceremonial dress.

Sans titre

Résultats 81 à 100 sur 435