Haida Gwaii



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

Note(s) sur la source

Note(s) d'affichage

Termes hiérarchiques

Haida Gwaii

Terme générique British Columbia

Haida Gwaii

Termes équivalents

Haida Gwaii

  • Employé pour Queen Charlotte Islands

Termes associés

Haida Gwaii

435 description archivistique résultats pour Haida Gwaii

282 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Klaskhana (Haida) portrait

Portrait of a girl (Klaskhana?), possibly a Haida resident, who is posing for a painting. Part of the painting is visible in the background.

Sans titre

Anthony Island totem poles

Image of a totem pole on Anthony Island. A picture of this pole is printed on page 115 of the book This is Haida, with the caption: "One of the largest poles on the Island. The frog was quite common in the designs of the Anthony Island carvers."

Sans titre


Image of a man standing in what appears to be remains of the village of Tahnoo.

Sans titre


Image of structural and/or totem pole remains at the Tah-noo village site.

Sans titre

People (Haida): Loise Franks

Portrait of Loise Franks, a basket-weaver. She is pictured on page 35 of the book "This is Haida." In this image, she is shown seated inside, with a basket nearby.

Sans titre

People (Haida): Chief Gitagahungs

Portrait of Chief Gitagahungs (Albert Jones). A similar portrait of him is printed on page 78 of Carter's book "This is Haida," with the caption: "His name means 'Price With Great Walk.' He is well known for his discoveries on the Tahsoo mine property."

Sans titre

Willie Matthews

Portrait of Chief Weah (Willie Mathews). A different portrait of him is printed on page 11 of Carter's book "This is Haida," with the caption: "Hereditary chief of the village 'Haida,' located at the north end of Masset Inlet its Indian name was 'Ottiowas.'"

Sans titre

Résultats 61 à 80 sur 435