Haida Gwaii



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Haida Gwaii

  • UP Queen Charlotte Islands

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Haida Gwaii

435 descrição arquivística resultados para Haida Gwaii

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First Nations community members

File consists of images of First Nations adults and children in Bella Coola, Klemtu, Bella Bella, Haida Gwaii, and Hartley Bay, BC.

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File consists of images taken at or near Slatechuck Mountain on Haida Gwaii (called Kaagan in the Haida language). This mountain, located near Queen Charlotte City, is best known as a source of argillite, a rare form of slate used in Haida art. Images in this file show individuals harvesting argillite, in addition to images of women harvesting and preparing spruce roots to weave baskets, and images of the Golden Spruce tree that formerly stood in the area.

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House post in situ on Anthony Island

Members of the B.C. Totem Pole Preservation Committee, Bill Reid (wearing aht) and Wilson Duff, inspecting a house post on Anthony Island. This house post was removed and brought to the Museum of Anthropology.

Totem poles on Anthony Island

Totem poles stand near the water on Anthony Island. This photograph was likely taken during an expedition to the island by the B.C. Totem Pole Preservation Committee. Based on a similar photograph in this series, this may have been taken by Michael Kew.


File consists of slides depicting First Nations chiefs and elders, Carter's wife Minn Sjolseth with August Jacks, Johnny Seaweed, miscellaneous images from Mount Currie/Lil'wat First Nation, and a photograph labeled "Potlatch Masset 60s".

Village Island QCI 1973 Totems (Mamalilikulla)

File consists of one slide labeled Village Island 1973, and several other unlabeled slides depicting totem poles. The slides seem to have been taken at the same time as those used in "From History's Locker."

Slate Chuck

Image of two people crouching near a pile of either litter or picnic/camping remnants. They are in a rocky area with trees in the background.

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Slate Chuck tree

Image looking up a tree that no longer has it's top. It appears to have been topped by natural causes.

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Slate Chuck

Image of a man who appears to be collecting slate. The image is very dark and difficult to see.

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Slate Chuck

Image of a man who appears to be collecting slate. The image is very dark and difficult to see.

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Resultados 421 a 435 de 435