Haida Gwaii



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Termes hiérarchiques

Haida Gwaii

Terme générique British Columbia

Haida Gwaii

Termes équivalents

Haida Gwaii

  • Employé pour Queen Charlotte Islands

Termes associés

Haida Gwaii

169 description archivistique résultats pour Haida Gwaii

78 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques

Beaver pole, Anthony Island

Image of a section of a totem pole, featuring a beaver, on Anthony Island, Haida Gwaii. This appears to be a pole now housed at the Museum of Anthropology (museum item #A50013). This museum item has the following description: "Base section of a wooden totem pole, crescent shaped in cross section and carved in shallow and deep relief. Depicted is a seated beaver with one potlatch ring between erect ears; protruding upper incisors; raised forepaws and hind paws grasping chewing sticks. Below its rectangular shaped crosshatched tail is a human face with large circular eyes. Traces of blue in eye sockets and around nostrils... Beaver was one of crests owned by the lineage of Chief Ninstints (Tom Price), 'Those Born Up the Inlet', of the Eagle moiety... Remainder of pole, except top figure, burned when the village was burned in 1892 by the Koskimo and the crew of a sealing schooner. ."

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows a section of the pole after it has been raised. A man is standing nearby with a video camera, and a crowd is gathered in the background.

Sans titre

R. Davidson [Jr.] pole raising, Masset Q.C.I.

Image taken at a pole raising ceremony in Masset. The pole was carved by Robert Davidson, Jr. This image shows Davidson speaking into a microphone, wearing what appears to be ceremonial clothing and a headdress. A crowd is gathered around him.

Sans titre

Résultats 101 à 120 sur 169