- 51-01-29-a039476
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Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
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Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Totem pole or house post, Anthony Island
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Totem pole or house post, Anthony Island
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Totem pole in the Museum of Anthropology
Part of MOA General Media collection
Totem pole on display in the Museum of Anthropology.
Totem pole in forest, Anthony Island
Part of Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
Totem pole and house at Old Kasaan
Part of MOA General Media collection
Image of an old house and totem pole belonging to Chief Son-i-hat at Old Kasaan. This photograph is likely from a book by Marius Barbeau or Edward Linnaeus Keithahn.
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Series consists of images found in or related to Carter's 1969 published work. Focus is on photographic representations of First Nations communities and individuals throughout Haida Gwaii. Geographic locations include Anthony Island (Ninstins), Masset, Skedans, Skidegate, Tanu and Yan. Series also contains images related to the 1969 Masset pole raising ceremony in honor of Robert Davidson, Jr. Files are generally arranged chronologically according to subject matter and/or locality. Except where noted with square brackets, the titles for files and items in this series were taken from annotations on the original material.
Anthony Carter
The Strangled Man: Haida Argillite Carving in Retrospect
The mortuary house being reassembled
Part of MOA General Media collection
Image shows the mortuary house while it was being reassembled.
The mortuary house being reassembled
Part of MOA General Media collection
Image shows the mortuary house while it was being reassembled.
The mortuary house being reassembled
Part of MOA General Media collection
Image shows the mortuary house while it was being reassembled.
File contains several photocopies of articles published about the Haida First Nations.
Teslin traditional storytelling and singing by George Johnson
Part of MOA General Media collection
Item is an audio recording of George Johnston (Tlingit name was Kaash KlaÕ) at age 80 singing and speaking in either Haida or Tlingit. He was a hunter, trapper, entrepreneur and photographer and was known for documenting his family life and the Yukon community of Teslin, where he lived. For biographical information see http://www.nutaaq.com/productions/georgejohnston.html
Part of Alan R. Sawyer fonds
Subseries consists of research material created by Sawyer, as well as his students, regarding Northwest coast artifacts. The majority of this research pertains to a specific type of artifact known as the “Jenna Cass” mask. This portrait mask was created by the Haida First Nations, and is known for its colouring and pronounced lebret piercing. Textual materials in this subseries include reports, iconic analysis, handwritten notes, memos, correspondence, and photocopies of articles related to Jenna Cass and other artifacts research. Graphic materials include photographs, slides, film negatives, and drawings of Jenna Cass masks. Other materials not related to the Jenna Cass research include photocopies of published articles related to Northwest coast artifacts.
ref # 13-1-D
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of the original Skedans Mortuary Pole in Stanley Park. Pole carved in Skidegate in Haida Gwaii in the 1870's.
William Carr
Several dishes on display in Montréal
Part of MOA General Media collection
Several dishes on display for the Museum of Anthropology's Northwest Coast exhibit for "Man and His World".