First Nations



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First Nations

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First Nations

2143 Archival description results for First Nations

283 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Weaving display

Display of weaving techniques, possibly of Tlingit peoples, from an unidentified museum, possibly the American Museum of Natural History.

Visions of Power, Symbols of Wealth Exhibition

The series contains slides relating to the exhibition Visions of Power Symbols of Wealth: Central Coast Salish Sculpture and Engraving. Images include exhibit views and various artifacts including masks, adzes, spindle whorls, mat creasers, and textiles.

Series includes --
Album 4: Slides 1-172
Album 5:
Sheet 1-2 Salish Exhibit 1 [exhibit views], Slides 1-1 – 1-29
Sheet 3-4 Salish Exhibit 2 [artifacts], Slides 2-1 – 2-39
Sheet 5-6 Salish Exhibit 3 [textiles, artifacts], Slides 3-1 – 3-35
Sheet 7 Salish Exhibit 4 [artifacts], Slides 4-1 – 4-19
Sheet 8-9 Salish Exhibit 5 [artifacts], Slides 5-1 – 5-36
Sheet 10-11 Salish Exhibit 6 [artifacts], Slides 6-1 – 6-35

Village People

File contains images of various First Nations Cultural groups from the Pacific Northwest. The images include negatives and slides of Northwest Coast villages, totem poles, longhouses, and First Nations peoples dressed in regalia.

Results 81 to 100 of 2143