- Fundo110 - Public Programming and Education fonds
- Séries1 - School programming
- Sub-sériesA - School program materials
- 93 mais...
- DossiêVideo 234 - Weaving Two Worlds Together With Barbara Harrower Oct 27/94 and Debra Sparrow
- DossiêVideo 239 - Debra Sparrow at Grandview School Nov 7 '94
- DossiêVideo 233 - UBC Museum of Anthropology Education Programmes Debra Sparrow VA training gardening and plant identification; First Nations Educational Program at MOA; Jill Baird personal videos; and Pam Brown video training
- DossiêVideo 242 - 05/05/94 Debra Sparrow weaving interview with Jill Baird. Mask 20/05/94 First Nations Educational Program at MOA
- Dossiê88 - ESL Programming at MOA
- Dossiê88 - ESL Programming at MOA
- Dossiê89 - The World Comes to MOA Meeting the needs of ESL speakers
- Dossiê90 - Summer's Coming Program Education
- Dossiê91 - Indian Residential School Teaching Kit (in progress) Education
- 7 mais...