- 16-a033277
- Item
- [1891]
Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing earthquake destruction in the Neo Valley. A jutting roof appears in the foreground. Photographed by Mr. K. Kimbei of Yokohama
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Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing earthquake destruction in the Neo Valley. A jutting roof appears in the foreground. Photographed by Mr. K. Kimbei of Yokohama
Earthquake destruction and dead body
Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing earthquake destruction. Two men are standing by a dead body.
Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item is a copy of Plate VI in the book "The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891" by John Milne and W.K. Burton, showing the Nagoya Spinning Mill in Japan, after 1891 earthquake.
Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item a copy of Plate XXII in "The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891" by John Milne and W.K. Burton. The image shows Nagara Railway Bridge, twisted and broken after 1891 earthquake. A man stands in the middle of the track.
Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item is a copy of Plate III in the book "The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891" by John Milne and W.K. Burton.
Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item is a copy of Plat X in "The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891" by John Milne and W.K. Burton. The image shows a railway line twisted by earthquake of 1891, and Kisogawa railway bridge in background.
Houses at Biwajima ruined by earthquake
Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item is a copy of Plate I: Biwajima in "The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891" by John Milne and W.K. Burton.
Parte deJames Davidson collection
Item is a photograph showing a field of debris from earthquake destruction in Kasamatsu, Japan. It is a copy of Plate XV in the book "The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891" by John Milne and W.K. Burton.
Parte deJames Davidson collection
This image is featured in "The Great Earthquake of Japan, 1891"
by John Milne and W.K. Burton with 29 Plates by K. Ogawa, 1st Edition (ca 1892). It is plate IX from the book.