- 132-1-C-D-a041991
- Item
- 1979
Part of MOA General Media collection
Image of a drawing from a drawing class. The label for this slide suggests an association with Richmond Art Teachers but the context of the label in unknown.
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Part of MOA General Media collection
Image of a drawing from a drawing class. The label for this slide suggests an association with Richmond Art Teachers but the context of the label in unknown.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Image of a drawing from a drawing class. The label for this slide suggests an association with Richmond Art Teachers but the context of the label in unknown.
File mainly contains historical images of Haida and Tlingit villages and totem poles located on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia and Alaska. There are also images of Haida and Tlingit peoples dressed in regalia. Other photos include images of ... »
File contains a combination of images of Kwakwaka'wakw artifacts housed in various museums and images of historical Kwakwaka'wakw villages on Vancouver Island and along the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Artifacts include totem poles, bentwood ... »
File mainly contains historical images of the Nisga'a villages, peoples, and of Nisga'a totem poles. Other images are of modern day Nisga'a totem poles housed in museums in Canada and the United States. The textual records contained in this file are ... »
File contains images of artwork showing people fishing.
File contains images of Tsimshian artifacts housed in museums in British Columbia and in what is now known as the Canadian Museum of History. The file also contains images of Tsimshian villages along the Nass River, and historical photos of Tsimshian peoples.