- Collection124 - MOA Publications and Ephemera collection
- Série organique01 - Exhibitions and collections
- 64 en plus...
- Dossier065 - High Slack: An Installation by Judith Williams
- Dossier066 - Masterworks by Haida Artist Bill Reid
- Dossier067 - Alice, Donna, Helen, John and Adam by Sally Michener
- Dossier068 - We Sing to the Universe: Poems and Drawings by Ron Hamilton
- Dossier069 - Doug Cranmer's Paintings
- Dossier070 - The Honour of One is the Honour of All
- Dossier071 - Frog Constellation by Haida Artist Jim Hart
- Dossier072 - Reclaiming History: Ledger Drawings by Assiniboine Artist Hongeeyeesa
- Dossier073 - Written in the Earth
- 67 en plus...