Cannery Days Info Pkg [and comments, travel docs, and correspondence]
- 104-6-B-09
- File
- ca. 1993 - 1996
Part of Pam Brown fonds
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Cannery Days Info Pkg [and comments, travel docs, and correspondence]
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Cannery Days signed consent forms
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Cannery Days, School Materials and brochure
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a partially carved canoe outdoors with Godfrey Hunt and Douglas Cranmer sitting as the canoe is filled with water from a hose.
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a drawing and text representing plans for a canoe, possibly the Nootka canoe carved by Douglas Cranmer for the Royal Museum of British Columbia in Victoria, B. C.
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a partially carved canoe outdoors being filled with water from a hose.
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts an interior room used for carving. A canoe is visible in this image.
File contains information about the Northwest Coast canoe including how they're made, their importance, and their history. There are also photocopied images of canoes from the Nuu-chah-nulth and the Kwakwaka'wakw communities.
Canoe making: the Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island
File contains a copy of an article titled "Carving a Kwakiutl canoe," and an excerpt from Franz Boas' <i> The Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island </i> manuscript published in 1909.
File contains a combination of historical and modern day images of canoes used by First Nation groups living on the Northwest Coast. The historical images contain images of village life and uses of the canoe in a historical context. The modern day images show canoes housed in various museums in Canada and the United States. The textual records contained in this file are photocopies of images of canoes, both from historical photographs and of modern day photographs.
File contains images of masks, bowls, and textiles. In addition are correspondence with Joy Inglis and Marie Mauze.
Part of Minn Sjolseth fonds
File consists of slides depicting various potlatches, totem poles, as well as portraits of various people. Slides also depict some of Minn Sjolseth's paintings. Some slides are labeled with the following: "Face from a Potlatch, Kwakiutl, 1971," "Kitsequechla, 1970," "Potlatch, Kwakiutl, 1971," "Last Watch...," and "Potlatch 75."
Captain Carpenter research and paper
Part of Pam Brown fonds
Paper written by Pam Windsor (Brown)
Carver with Feast Dish in Alert Bay
Part of Missionary Society of the Church of England in Canada Slide Collection
Item is a hand-tinted glass lantern slide of a carver with a feast dish in front of a house. There are five children and one adult in the background. Based on the original order of the collection, photograph might have been taken in Alert Bay.
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a partially completed canoe, filled with water outside. A carver, possibly Godfrey Hunt, is also shown.
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a partially completed canoe, filled with water outside.
Carving a partially finished totem pole
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a man, possibly Douglas Cranmer, carving on a partially finished totem pole as a man and woman look on. Vintage cars are visible in the background.