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11 Archival description results for Coppers

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BW Copper neg

Image shows a black and white line drawing, possibly of the object shown in item a037615 of this file.

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From all over the place, Jack Peters with coppers

Image of a Jack Peters seated at a table with copper remnants. Peters is described in Carter's book "From History's Locker," as being the "only year-round resident" of Dead Point reserve ("Tga-tsuamuquame").The pieces of copper are "from one of the last great potlatches."

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Mr. Peters & copper

Image of Mr. Jack Peters at Dead Point reserve. Peters, pictured here with a copper remnant, is pictured and discussed on pages 74 - 77 of Carter's book From History's Locker, where he is described as being "the only year-round resident of the village at the moment."

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From all over the place, Jack Peters with coppers

Image of a Jack Peters seated at a table with copper remnants. Peters is described in Carter's book "From History's Locker," as being the "only year-round resident" of Dead Point reserve ("Tga-tsuamuquame").The pieces of copper are "from one of the last great potlatches."

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History of Copper (20 coppers from Alert Bay), GW(?) Hunt, 1924

Photocopy of a manuscript about coppers from Alert Bay, BC. Front page notes that it was "sent by GW(?) Hunt, Port Hardy, BC." It also has a stamp from the "Department of Mines geological Survey, received Mar 26, 1924. Division of Anthropology."

Original manuscript might be at UBC's Rare Books and Special Collections library.