A Connoisseur’s Collection: Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation



Bereik aantekeningen

  • May 30, 2001 - March 10, 2002
  • With this exhibition, the Museum of Anthropology celebrates the recent gifts of The Victor Shaw Collection of Chinese Arts to the University of British Columbia. Created over a period of 5000 years, the objects in the collection are made of ceramic, bronze, and precious metals. Each piece reflects the collector’s sensitive eye and discriminating taste and, in turn, a long tradition of Chinese art connoisseurship.

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A Connoisseur’s Collection: Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation

A Connoisseur’s Collection: Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation

Gelijksoortige termen

A Connoisseur’s Collection: Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation

  • UF Early Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation

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A Connoisseur’s Collection: Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation

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Series contains photographs taken by Cunningham of the inside and outside of the building, exhibit cases, exhibit spaces, and other institutions.

A Connoisseur’s Collection: Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation [Early Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation]

File contains 7 comment books from the exhibit A Connoisseur’s Collection: Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation [Early Chinese Ceramics from the Victor Shaw Donation], May 30, 2001 – March 10, 2002

Dates of comment books:
June 14 – July 11, 2001
July 11 – July 27, 2001
July 27 – Aug. 15, 2001
Aug. 15 – Sep. 7, 2001
Sep. 7 – Nov. 26, 2001
Nov. 26, 2001 – Feb. 1, 2002
Feb. 1 – Mar. 11, 2002