


Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

Note(s) sur la source

Note(s) d'affichage

Termes hiérarchiques


Terme générique Asia


  • Terme spécifique Tibet

Termes équivalents


Termes associés


7 description archivistique résultats pour China

Gyantse Jong

Item is a negative showing Gyanste Jong from a distance. Gyantse is also visible at the bottom lefthand side of the image.

Gyantse Jong

Item is a negative showing Gyanste Jong located at the top of a spur from a distance. There are several buildings at the bottom of the spur.

Gyantse Jong

Item is a negative showing a Gyantse Fort, located on the top of a rocky spur. There are smaller buildings at the bottom of the spur.

[New] fort [at] Gyantse

Item is a negative showing a large stone building with walls. There is a mountain in the background.

Gyantse Jong

Item is a negative showing Gyanste Jong from a distance.

Gyantse Jong

Item is a negative showing Gyanste Jong located at the top of a spur from a distance.

Gyantse Jong

Item is a negative showing Gyanste Jong located at the top of a spur from a distance.