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104 Archival description results for China

54 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Tibetan building

Image depicts a large Tibetan building, possibly a temple or a monastery. Traditional Tibetan architectural features visible here include a structure with multiple windows to let in sunlight and a flat roof to preserve heat. These dwellings are often constructed with a combination of wood, rocks, cement, and earth. Several figures are seated in front of this dwelling near a row of drums.

Traditional Tibetian dancing

Image depicts several individuals dressed in regalia and performing what may be the Black Hat Dance. This dance is taking place in front of the building depicted in images a033048-a033049 and a033054-a033060.

Catalogue page

Image of a page, likely from a catalogue in visible storage that was available for visitors to gain further information on the items on display. This page deals with "Shekwan Ware"; a distinct type of Chinese pottery, and was written by Audrey Shane.

The Chinese Scholar and … Values

Display for the exhibit "Chinese Values." Shows scrolls, calligraphy instruments, paintings, books, figurines, and other items. Items for this exhibit were borrowed from numerous individual donors under the direction of Dr. Ping-ti Ho.

Belief and Ritual

Display from the exhibit "Chinese Values." Shows busts, figurines, a book, a scroll painting, and other items. Items for this exhibit were borrowed from numerous individual donors under the direction of Dr. Ping-ti Ho.

Rank and Office

Display for the exhibit "Chinese Values." Shows textiles, pottery, plaques, figures, and other items. Items for this exhibit were borrowed from numerous individual donors under the direction of Dr. Ping-ti Ho.

Rank and Office

Display for the exhibit "Chinese Values." Shows textiles, pottery, plaques, figures, and other items. Items for this exhibit were borrowed from numerous individual donors under the direction of Dr. Ping-ti Ho.

Women of Rank

Display for the Museum of Anthropology. Uncertain relation to exhibits. Shows a woman's robe, a figure of a woman, fans, hairpins, and other objects.

Chinese calligraphy

Display for the exhibit "Japanese and Chinese Art and History." Shows calligraphy instruments, a painting, a book, and a small mat.

Japanese Calligraphy

Display for the exhibit "Japanese and Chinese Art and History." Shows implements of Japanese calligraphy as well as cups, bowls, and small paintings.

Resultados 1 a 20 de 104