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121 Archival description results for Carvings

121 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Jimmie John & carvings

Portrait of Jimmie John with two of his carvings. A similar image is pictured on page 97 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Jimmie John, one of the best of the Nootka carvers, shown here displaying a piece of his work, a replica of the famous Chief Maquinna mask."

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Jimmie John & carvings

Portrait of Nootka carver Jimmie John with one of his carvings. A similar image is pictured on page 97 of Carter's book.

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Jimmie John & carvings

Portrait of Jimmie John with two of his carvings. A similar image is pictured on page 97 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Jimmie John, one of the best of the Nootka carvers, shown here displaying a piece of his work, a replica of the famous Chief Maquinna mask."

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Jimmie John (92 yrs), Cecilia John (83 yrs), Last of Jimmie's carvings

Portrait of Jimmie John with one of his carvings. A similar image is pictured on page 97 of Carter's book "From History's Locker," with the caption: "Jimmie John, one of the best of the Nootka carvers, shown here displaying a piece of his work, a replica of the famous Chief Maquinna mask."

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Bill Reid's Bear sculture

Image of an Bill Reid's bear sculpture, taken at the University of British Columbia. This sculpture is part of MOA's object collection.

Dr. Walter Koerner commissioned Reid to make this sculpture for his personal collection. It was originally commissioned for his backyard garden, but Koerner decided it looked too large for the space so he donated it to UBC. It was installed on the UBC campus in 1963, in the woods near International House. A bronze plaque made for that location reads: Haida Bear by Bill Reid Presented to UBC by Walter C. Koerner 1963. At some point, after the new Museum building was built, the bear was transferred to MOA and moved indoors.

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Museum pix, Haida

Image of Haida carvings on display at the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia.

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Resultados 41 a 60 de 121