Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
- 25-03-07-a038044
- Item
- June 18, 1971
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of dancers at the potlatch with a set of poles in the background.
Anthony Carter
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Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of dancers at the potlatch with a set of poles in the background.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a masked dancer at the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of attendees of the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of attendees of the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a group drumming on a pole at the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image looking down onto the central fire at the potlatch, with carved columns in the background.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image looking toward the seated drummers at the potlatch, with carved columns, a masked dancer, and the fire visible.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image looking out toward the center of the potlatch from the seated area.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of part of the crowd at the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of the seated crowd at the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a masked dancer at the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of dancers at the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a masked dancer at the potlatch.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of dancers at the potlatch with a set of poles in the background.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of dancers at the potlatch with a set of poles in the background.
Anthony Carter
Alert Bay Potlatch for Tony Hunt, name giving and presenting his personal song
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image looking toward one wall of the building, with two carved columns and a seated crowd.
Anthony Carter
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of two totem poles at Alert Bay. In the foreground is a memorial pole for Chief Wakas. It was raised in 1924 and carved by Arthur Shaughnessy. In the background is a memorial pole for Amos Dawson's uncle. Carved by Charlie James.
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of two totem poles at Alert Bay. In the foreground is a memorial pole for Chief Wakas. It was raised in 1924 and carved by Arthur Shaughnessy. In the background is a memorial pole for Amos Dawson's uncle. Carved by Charlie James.
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of two totem poles at Alert Bay. In the foreground is the Thunderbird (top) and Dzunukwa(bottom) totem pole in Alert Bay. Pole was carved in 1931 at Blunden Harbour by Willie Seaweed, assisted by Joe Seaweed. Totem pole was a memorial for Billie Moon. In the background is a memorial pole for Wa'osta'as, wife of Sam Charlie. Carved in the 1800's by an unknown carver.
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of two totem poles at Alert Bay. In the foreground is a memorial pole for Chief Wakas. It was raised in 1924 and carved by Arthur Shaughnessy. In the background is a memorial pole for Amos Dawson's uncle. Carved by Charlie James.
William Carr