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4880 Archival description results for Canada

2 resultados directamente relacionados Excluir términos relacionados

Ruins of Fort Prince of Wales, Kuugjuaq

Item is a close up image of the remains of a fortification with the view of a gate. According to annotations, photograph was taken in Kuugjuaq (also known as Churchill, Manitoba)

Group at Fort Prince of Wales

Item is an image of a group of six people by the remains of a fortification and around a cannon. According to annotations, photograph was taken at Fort Prince of Wales, Kuugjuaq (also known as Churchill, Manitoba)

Wreck of "Paradox", Kuugjuaq

Item is an image of a weecked ship in a shore. According to annotations, photograph was taken at Kuugjuaq (also known as Churchill, Manitoba)

R.N.W.M.P. Boats at Kuugjuaq

Item is an image of two boats with thee people on board each. According to annotations, the boats belonged to the Royal North West Mounted Police and photograph was taken in Kuugjuaq (also known as Churchill, Manitoba)

Camp in Kuugjuaq

Item is an image of a tent by the water with a dog by it. According to annotations, photograph was taken at Kuugjuaq (also known as Churchill, Manitoba)

Inuit Camp at Igluligaarjuk

Item is an image of a tent. According to annotations, photograph was taken in Igluligaarjuk (also known as Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut).

Inuit Woman, Igluligaarjuk

Item is an image of an Inuit woman. According to annotations, photograph was taken in Igluligaarjuk (also known as Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut).


Item is an image of a landscape. According to annotations, photograph depics Igluligaarjuk (also known as Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut)

The Depot, York Factory

Item is an image of three buildings. According to annotations, the buildings were the depot and photograph was taken at York Factory, Manitoba


Item is an image of a tombsone for William Wastesecoot. According to annotations, photograph was taken at the Indigenous Peoples Graveyard, York Factory, Manitoba.

Tents on the Hayes River

Item is an image of two tents. According to annotations, photograph was taken on the Hayes River between York Factory and Norway House, Manitoba

Hayes River Shore

Item is an image of a shore with a boat and a person standing by it. According to annotations, photograph was taken on the Hayes River between York Factory and Norway House, Manitoba. Item is same image as item a032718

Mr. Belanger's Monument, Norway House

Item is an image of a stone monument. According to annotations, monument was to Mr. Belanger's memory, in Norway House. Chief Factor Horace Belanger drowned in the Nelson River and his clerk Stanley Simpson drowned trying to save him. After their death, Hudson's Bay Officer erected a stone monument in their memory

Mrs. Hamilton and Child

Item is an image of a woman standing by a baby stroller wit a baby at the entrance of a house. According to annotations, photograph was taken at Norway House, Manitoba

Resultados 41 a 60 de 4880