Alert Bay Petroglyphs, Quadra Totems
- 145-07
- File
- 1969
Part of Lilo Berliner fonds
Includes images of petroglyphs, masks and headdresses, and totem poles.
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Alert Bay Petroglyphs, Quadra Totems
Part of Lilo Berliner fonds
Includes images of petroglyphs, masks and headdresses, and totem poles.
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of a memorial pole at Alert Bay. Inscription at the bottom held by the figure reads "In loving memory of Tlaowa Latle of the Qiowasudinuk (Kwakwaka'wakw: Kwikwasut'inuxw) Tribe. Died Nov. 9 [rest of inscription illegible].
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of a memorial pole at Alert Bay. Inscription at the bottom held by the figure reads "In loving memory of Tlaowa Latle of the Qiowasudinuk (Kwakwaka'wakw: Kwikwasut'inuxw) Tribe. Died Nov. 9 [rest of inscription illegible].
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of a memorial pole at Alert Bay. Inscription at the bottom held by the figure reads "In loving memory of Tlaowa Latle of the Qiowasudinuk (Kwakwaka'wakw: Kwikwasut'inuxw) Tribe. Died Nov. 9 [rest of inscription illegible].
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of a memorial pole at Alert Bay. Inscription at the bottom held by the figure reads "In loving memory of Tlaowa Latle of the Qiowasudinuk (Kwakwaka'wakw: Kwikwasut'inuxw) Tribe. Died Nov. 9 [rest of inscription illegible].
William Carr
Photograph of the exterior of the longhouse in Alert Bay, BC.
Part of Minn Sjolseth fonds
File consists of slides depicting totems in what the file annotation refers to as Alert Bay and Kingcome.
Alert Bay Community House, woman, and outdoor salmon barbecue
Woman stands behind an outdoor salmon barbecue. The Alert Bay Community House with decorated wall can be seen in the distance and a black sedan is parked to the right.
Image shows the original Alert Bay Community Centre, also known as the Namgis Big House. This original Big House was constructed in 1966, and destroyed in 1997 by arson. A new building, with a nearly identical exterior wall, was raised in 1999.
Photograph of pole and gravestones in a cemetery in Alert Bay, BC.
Photograph of pole and gravestones in a cemetery in Alert Bay, BC.
Photograph of pole and gravestones in a cemetery in Alert Bay, BC.
Alert Bay Abraham memorial pole
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of a memorial pole for Abraham at Alert Bay. Carving of pole attributed to Charlie James for Abraham who hailed from Village Island and Fort Rupert.
William Carr
Alert Bay Abraham memorial pole
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of a memorial pole for Abraham at Alert Bay. Carving of pole attributed to Charlie James for Abraham who hailed from Village Island and Fort Rupert.
William Carr
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
File consists of images of Alert Bay, a village located on Comorant Island, off of the northeast coast of Vancouver Island, BC. Subjects include a memorial and memorial pole raising for Kwakiutl Chief Mungo Martin, scenery from the area, a cemetery, totem poles, and Chief Johnson of Fort Rupert BC.
Anthony Carter
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of the dock for the Agassiz-Rosedale ferry on the Fraser River.
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of the Agassiz-Rosedale ferry sailing from its dock on the Fraser River.
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of the deck of the Agassiz-Rosedale ferry while sailing. The deck is loaded with cars.
William Carr
Part of William Carr fonds
Image of the Agassiz-Rosedale ferry sailing away from its dock on the Fraser River.
William Carr
The fonds consists of photographs likely taken by A.F.R. Wollaston in Uganda, the Congo, New Guinea, and Fiji. Also included are the envelope in which the photos were posted, and a note from M (Marjorie Halpin) to Audrey (Shane? Hawthorn?) regarding the donation of the photos to MoA.
A.F.R. Wollaston