- 81-03-a033187
- Item
- [ca. 195- or 196-]
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of an unidentified piece of art, depicting what appears to be two whales, painted on a piece of wood.
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Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of an unidentified piece of art, depicting what appears to be two whales, painted on a piece of wood.
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Carvings on display in store or home
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph depicts a number of carvings that are on display in what appears to be either a store or a house.
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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife, descending a ramp on a pier in Alert Bay, BC. Title of the photograph taken from annotations in the album that originally housed this photograph.
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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and two unidentified individuals, standing near two totem poles. The poles may be in the Namgis Burial Grounds.
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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife at what appears to be the Namgis Burial Grounds in Alert Bay, BC. The poles were possibly made by Charlie James.
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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay [dancer in longhouse]
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of a dancer at an event in the Alert Bay, BC longhouse.
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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay [event in longhouse]
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of an event in the Alert Bay longhouse. Though not pictured in this image, the former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife were in attendance. This image shows one end of the longhouse interior, with two thunderbird poles and additional carvings and paintings. The central fire is also visible.
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Gov. General and Mrs. Mitchner [sic] visit to Alert Bay [event in longhouse]
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Photograph of dancers at an event in the Alert Bay longhouse. Though not pictured in this image, the former Canadian Governor General Roland Michener and his wife were in attendance. This image shows one end of the longhouse interior, with two thunderbird poles and additional carvings and paintings. The central fire is also visible.
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Woman in regalia, Alert Bay, BC
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Portrait of a woman in regalia, standing indoors.
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Two women in front of Alert Bay Community House
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Two women stand in front of the Alert Bay Community House. To the women's right is a table that appears to hold barbecued salmon. The painted wall of the Community House can be seen in the background.
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
Interior view of a shop selling clothing, and accessories. Three women, a store employee and two customers, can be seen.
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
A man and female child pose with a patriotically decorated bicycle that includes a de jure flag. The child wears a headband and some native clothing. Other people, a pickup truck, and a building are visible in the background.
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
View of Alert Bay, B. C. taken September 1954. Initials R S appear in lower right of card. Photo is an aerial view, so structures are difficult to distinguish.
Kwakiutl Totem Poles outside St. Michael's Indian Residential School
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
View of the Kwakiutl totem poles that stand outside St. Michael's Indian Residential School at Alert Bay, British Columbia. Photo taken by Eric J. Cooke photo productions, Sidney B. C.
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
View of the Kwakiutl totem poles standing in a cemetery. The two poles stand adjacent to graves marked with crosses, which are identified Chief J .Aul Sewid and Mrs. Lucy Sewid. The presence of flowers at this gravesite suggest that this photo may have been taken in 1988 when Chief Sewid died. Photo is attributed to Eric J. Cooke, Photo Productions, Sidney, B. C.
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
View of a Kwakiutl totem pole on Alert Bay, Cormorant Island, British Columbia. Pole appears to be standing in a cemetery. A cross marked Charles Smith is visible. This pole features a bird (possibly a raven) atop several other animals.
Kwakiutl Totem Poles, British Columbia Canada
Parte de Thomas and Mildred Laurie collection
View of two Memorial poles. The taller pole depicts an eagle and a grizzly bear; the shorter pole depicts a human form holding copper. Photo is attributed to Eric J. Cooke Photo Productions, Sidney, B. C.
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