Native Youth Programme study trip to Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Port Angeles (40 min)
- 110-3-F-Video 201
- Dossier
- 26-31 Jul. 1993
Fait partie de Public Programming and Education fonds
3 résultats directement liés Exclure les termes spécifiques
Native Youth Programme study trip to Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Port Angeles (40 min)
Fait partie de Public Programming and Education fonds
Campbell River Pets. Prince Rupert Pets and Picts
Fait partie de Lilo Berliner fonds
Petroglyphs, totem poles, and an image of a Kwakiutl "fool's mask" from Cape Mudge.
Potlatch in Campbell River in Honour of Mrs. Henderson
Fait partie de Paddling to Where I Stand collection
Potlatch at Campbell River in honour of Mrs. Henderson. Recorded by Martine de Widerspach-Thor (Reid) on May 21, 1977.
Item a: side 1-2
Item b: side 3-4
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