


Bereik aantekeningen

ron aantekeningen

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289 archivistische beschrijving results for Boats

76 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Bill Reid canoe MOA

File contains copies of administrative files related to the Bill Reid Canoe displayed at Expo 86. The files contain budgets, copies of correspondence to McLennan from Expo organizers, notes, copies of contracts between Expo and MOA, and other reports related to the exhibition.


  • 30-30-01-30-01-12-a039174
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Item is a photograph of a building on stilts labelled "JORGENSEN BROS SHELL" and surrounding buildings. Two people, three boats and the harbour appear in the foreground


  • 30-30-01-30-01-12-a039186
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Item is a photograph of several boats in the harbour.


  • 30-30-01-30-01-12-a039187
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Item is a photograph of a boat on the beach


  • 30-30-01-30-01-12-a039193
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Item is a photograph of the harbour. Some buildings and a boat appear in the background


  • 30-30-01-30-01-12-a039203
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Item is a photograph of a boat in the harbour.


  • 30-30-01-30-01-12-a039205
  • Stuk
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Item is a photograph of boats docked in the harbour. The beach and General Ship Repair building appear in the foreground

Masset Village

Image depicts canoes, house, house posts, and totem poles on a shoreline in Masset, Haida Gwaii, B. C. Handwritten inscription on the verso reads "This is a Indian Village in Masset B. C. at the turn of the century. As you can see there are a lot of wooden shacks, totem poles and canoes. it is a very wild and remote area [redacted]. grandfather Crosby used to travel to these remoat [sic] villages by canoe." Image appears to be reproduction of a039351.

Massett Village

Image depicts canoes, house, house posts, and totem poles on a shoreline in Masset, Haida Gwaii, B. C. Printed around the border of the image is the photographer information "PHOTOGRAPHED BY R. MAYNARD, VICTORIA, . . . B. C." Handwritten inscription on the border reads "Massett [sic] Village Q. Ch. Is." Printed on the verso is the photographer information with the inscription "R. Maynard, Photographic Artist, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, COR. OF DOUGLAS AND JOHNSON STS., VICTORIA, B. C. -- Views of British Columbia and Vancouver Island for Sale." A handwritten inscription reads "Indian Totems Queen Charlotte's Island".

Fleet of boats

Image depicts a fleet of boats, likely fishing boats, on the water. Trees and mountains are visible in the distance.

Women canoeing

Image depicts five women canoeing along a river. Several structures, possibly houses, are visible in the background, as are trees at the water's edge.

Resultaten 1 tot 20 van 289