Captain Carpenter – Museum of Anthropology
- 1-4-B-19 (21-8)
- Bestanddeel
- [199-?]
File contains images of objects created by Captain Carpenter housed at the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
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Captain Carpenter – Museum of Anthropology
File contains images of objects created by Captain Carpenter housed at the Museum of Anthropology, UBC.
This file contains images of Coast Salish and Kwakwaka'wakw artifacts. Many of the photos are official photographs taken by various museums in Canada and the United States, but others are historical photos. These artifacts include masks, rattles, carvings, fishing equipment and fish processing, canoes, and North Coast architecture, such as long houses and house posts.
File mainly contains historical images of Haida and Tlingit villages and totem poles located on the Northwest Coast of British Columbia and Alaska. There are also images of Haida and Tlingit peoples dressed in regalia. Other photos include images of Haida and Tlingit artifacts, such as bentwood boxes and carvings, housed in various museums around the world. There are also images of a modern day ceremony in front of some totem poles and long houses. The textual records include photocopies of images of totem poles and Haida and Tlingit villages.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "Technologies of the North West Coast." Shows a model canoe, mask, fish hook, and other items.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Display for the Museum of Anthropology. Detail from a display on navigation in Oceania. Uncertain relation to exhibits. Possibly for an exhibit on Oceania that may have been in place in 1969. Shows a model sailboat that is likely from New Guinea.
Part of MOA General Media collection
Display for the Museum of Anthropology. Uncertain relation to exhibits. Possibly for an exhibit that may have been in place in 1969. Shows several model boats and sailboats.
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a group of five people in the water with a boat in the background. Photograph was shaped like a leaf.
Bessii (?) Kathleen (?) and Officers on U.S. Fort Corwin (?)
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of six people standing on a ship's deck. There is a shore with a building and mountains in the background
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of three people transporting a boat through a forest
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a ship. According to annotations, ship is the U.S.W. Patterson.
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is an image of a ship in a harbour. According to annotations, photograph was taken at Montreal, Quebec
Part of Robert Reford fonds
Item is a close up image of a ship with three men standing on the deck. According to annotations, the ship was a pilot cutter and photograph was taken at Pointe-au-Pere, Quebec
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts carving a canoe outdoors. The carver depicted may be Godfrey Hunt, who assisted Douglas Cranmer with the Nootka canoe.
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a carver, possibly Douglas Cranmer, working inside on what may be a canoe. Image is dark and it is difficult to see what he is doing.
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts an interior room used for carving. A canoe is visible in this image.
Part of Virginia Kehoe fonds
Image depicts a partially completed canoe, filled with water outside.
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of an older man carving a long canoe.
Zonder titel
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of three or four long canoes full of rowers on the Fraser River
Zonder titel
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of a group of people in a canoe on an unidentified body of water.
Zonder titel
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
Image of totem poles, canoes, and longhouses(?) in the Nass River valley of BC.
Zonder titel