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289 archivistische beschrijving results for Boats

76 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Yuquot & Esperanza Inlet

File consists of images of scenery and people of the Nootka Sound area on the west coast of Vancouver Island, BC.

Zonder titel

Tsleil-Waututh, canoe paddlers

Image of two people standing next to a canoe that is propped up in a yard. The canoe, which is upside down, ha s a white strip painted along the top edge, and is labelled `St. John.

Zonder titel


File contains a combination of images of Kwakwaka'wakw artifacts housed in various museums and images of historical Kwakwaka'wakw villages on Vancouver Island and along the Northwest Coast of British Columbia. Artifacts include totem poles, bentwood boxes, carvings, masks, and Kwakwaka'wakw artwork such as paintings and drawings. There are historical photographs of the following villages: Gwat'sinuxw (Quatsino), Kwikwasutinuxw (Gilford Island), A'wa'etlala Village (Knight's Inlet), Mamalikala (Village Island), Wiwekalu Village of T'la'mataxw (Campbell River), Kwixa Village (Salmon River), Dunaxda'xw Village (New Vancouver), and Gwa'sala Village (Smith Inlet). The textual records include information about some of the photographs, identifying items such as the people, the villages, and/or the artifacts depicted in the photographs.


Item is an image of a steamboat with mountains on the background

Labrador Fishing Schooner

Item is an image of a fishing schooner ship near the coast. According to annotations, the photograph was taken in the coast of Labrador

Labrador Fishing Schooner

Item is an image of a fishing schooner ship near the coast. According to annotations, the photograph was taken in the coast of Labrador

Hayes River Shore

Item is an image of a shore with a boat and a person standing by it. According to annotations, photograph was taken on the Hayes River between York Factory and Norway House, Manitoba. Item is same image as item a032718

Tents on the Hayes River

Item is an image of two tents. According to annotations, photograph was taken on the Hayes River between York Factory and Norway House, Manitoba

Resultaten 41 tot 60 van 289