Ben Houstie

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Ben Houstie

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Ben Houstie is a Heiltsuk artist born in Bella Bella, BC (Waglisla) in 1960. Ben’s works include: original paintings, limited edition prints, carved cedar rattles, and paddles. He has worked with Cheryl Hall, Robert Hall, David Gladstone, and Beau Dick. In 1988, Ben worked under Bill Reid painting several drums of Bill’s designs and 20 paddles for the Canadian Museum of Civilization in Ottawa. Ben also painted several reconstructed artworks in 2000 for the Museum of Anthropology’s "The Transforming Image" exhibition. He is known for producing small original paintings and miniature wood masks. As a child, Ben watched master carver, Mungo Martin, working on the world’s largest totem pole, in Alert Bay, B.C. He is a survivor of the St Michael’s residential school in Alert Bay and his art serves as a form of healing and cultural connection. His great grandfather is Daniel Houstie and his son is Christopher Houstie. From:


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  • EAC

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