Alert Bay



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Alert Bay

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Alert Bay

642 descrição arquivística resultados para Alert Bay

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Group in ceremonial dress, Alert Bay

Portrait of a group wearing ceremonial dress. They are standing outside, likely at a gathering of some kind in Alert Bay, BC. A crowd is visible behind them. The group includes a man, a woman, and two children. The man us holding a carved stick.

Group in ceremonial dress, Alert Bay

Portrait of a group wearing ceremonial dress. They are standing outside, likely at a gathering of some kind in Alert Bay, BC. A crowd is visible behind them. The group includes a man, a woman, and two children. The man us holding a carved stick.

Salmon barbecue, Alert Bay

Photograph of a woman tending to salmon that are being barbecued. There are a number of salmon over a long fire, and the barbecue appears to be part of a larger event. Painted sheets and a board are behind her, and a group of children are sitting nearby.

Thunderbird and Dzunukwa totem pole

Image of the Thunderbird (top) and Dzunukwa(bottom) totem pole in Alert Bay. Pole was carved in 1931 at Blunden Harbour by Willie Seaweed, assisted by Joe Seaweed. Totem pole was a memorial for Billie Moon.

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Alert Bay memorial pole

Image of a memorial pole at Alert Bay. Inscription at the bottom held by the figure reads "In loving memory of Tlaowa Latle of the Qiowasudinuk (Kwakwaka'wakw: Kwikwasut'inuxw) Tribe. Died Nov. 9 [rest of inscription illegible].

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Alert Bay totem poles

Image of two totem poles at Alert Bay. In the foreground is the Thunderbird (top) and Dzunukwa(bottom) totem pole in Alert Bay. Pole was carved in 1931 at Blunden Harbour by Willie Seaweed, assisted by Joe Seaweed. Totem pole was a memorial for Billie Moon. In the background is a memorial pole for Wa'osta'as, wife of Sam Charlie. Carved in the 1800's by an unknown carver.

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Alert Bay, BC 1970 Potlatch Totems

File consists of slides labeled "Spruceroot digs Emily Minn etc 1967," "Nora pulling spruce roots Tow Hill QCI Aug 1967," and "Alert Bay Sept 1970."

Alert Bay Kingcome 73

File consists of slides depicting totems in what the file annotation refers to as Alert Bay and Kingcome.

Diane Elizabeth Barwick fonds

  • 41
  • Fundo
  • 1947 - 1958

The fonds consists of 7 photographs from a June 1958 centennial [centenary] celebration in Alert Bay that Barwick described as having been ordered from a local cameraman. There are also 7 postcards that contain images of Alert Bay ca. 1949 or 1950 that were purchased by Barwick in the summer of 1958. Sixteen negatives were taken by Barwick at an excavation at Beach Grove in the Fraser River delta in June of 1957, likely done under the guidance of Charles Borden, a Lecturer and later Professor of Archaeology at UBC who studied the Beach Grove site from ca. 1955 to 1958. Notes on the envelope indicate these negatives include images of D. N. Abbott, Colin McCafferty, and Nansi Swayze.

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21 June 1958 Alert Bay Centennial Celebrations

Item is a photograph of men gathered together for an event celebrating British Columbia's centennial in Alert Bay in 1958. They are sitting down in front of a painted wall and some are wearing ceremonial dress, such as button blankets and woven cedar headbands. A drum and a painted dance screen [thunderbird?] on fabric are also visible. Men in the photograph include: Charles Nowell, Billy Assu, and George Scow.

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