- Collectie132 - MOA General Media collection
- Reeks1 - Photographs
- DeelreeksC - Audrey Hawthorn Slide Binders
- A - Binder 1
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- Stuka040317 - Totem pole of Chief Kwekwelis
- Stuka040318 - Mungo Martin painting a totem pole
- Stuka040319 - Mungo Martin adzing a totem pole
- Stuka040320 - Totem pole of Chief Kwekwelis
- Stuka040321 - Abaya Martin weaving
- Stuka040322 - Abaya Martin weaving
- Stuka040323 - A dancer wearing a Thunderbird headdress
- Stuka040324 - A group stands for an event in Alert Bay
- Stuka040325 - Raising the Mungo Martin Memorial Pole
- 332 more...