- Fundo51 - Harry B. Hawthorn fonds
- Séries01 - UBC and anthropological research
- Dossiê30 - HBH various places [slides]
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- Itema035215 - Man carving end of canoe
- Itema035216 - Man carving inside of canoe
- Itema035217 - Handwritten note about image
- Itema039486 - Similkameen [Valley]
- Itema039487 - Wells Grey Park
- Itema039488 - Similkameen [log cabins]
- Itema039489 - Similkameen [high desert and cabin]
- Itema039490 - Log rolling, Sports day, Somass [River] 1948
- Itema039491 - Fishery Bay on Nass [River], oolichan fishery
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