- 132-1-C-E-a042694
- Pièce
- [1962?]
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Doug Cranmer carving for the construction of the Haida House at UBC.
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Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Doug Cranmer carving for the construction of the Haida House at UBC.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Image of a pole carved as the frontal pole for the front of the Haida house at UBC, for display in Totem Park. Moved to the new Museum of Anthropology grounds in 1978. Pole was removed from the Haida House in 2000-09 and placed in a greenhouse tent for conservation treatment and drying. A new pole was raised outside to replace it (see MOA object Nb1.752). Jim Hart, with Reg Davidson, Michael Nicoll and Tyler Crosby, performed a small informal ceremony for the re-raising of the pole on Oct. 30, 2002 (with Martine Reid in attendance). Pole was then re-raised in the Great Hall of the Museum on Oct. 31, 2002.
Carving for the Haida House complex
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Partially completed carving for the Haida House complex at Totem Park. Based on the size and shape this may have been the Wasgo.
Bill Reid's pole at Totem Park
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Section of a house frontal totem pole carved by Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer for the Haida House complex at Totem Park.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer carving the frontal plaque of double mortuary pole to be displayed near the Haida house at totem park. The pole (A50032) is now at MOA, on the grounds behind the museum.
Doug Cranmer working on Haida sea wolf
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Doug Cranmer working on the Haida sea wolf or Wasgo sculpture at UBC.
Doug Cranmer standing on the Haida House
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Doug Cranmer guiding a pole into place on the Haida House roof.
Doug Cranmer carving frontal plate Haida pole
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Doug Cranmer carving the frontal plate of what was likely a double mortuary pole at UBC in 1962.
Double mortuary pole at totem park
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Double mortuary pole carved by Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer standing in totem park at UBC.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Doug Cranmer carving what appears to be the Wasgo for the Haida House complex at Totem Park.
Bill Reid's pole at UBC Totem Park
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Section of the mortuary totem pole carved by Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer for the Haida House complex at Totem Park.
Doug Cranmer standing on the Haida House
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Photo of artists Doug Cranmer guiding a roof beam into place. This photograph was taken during the original construction of the Haida house in Totem Park.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Section of a house frontal totem pole for the Haida House at totem park.
Bill Reid's work at UBC totem park
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Section of a memorial totem pole carved by Bill Reid and Doug Cranmer for the Haida House complex in Totem Park.
Doug Cranmer and Bill Reid carving
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Doug Cranmer and Bill Reid carving at UBC for the Haida House complex at Totem Park. Based on the length of this log, this may have been the beginnings of the Wasgo sculpture.