To Market, to Market . . . The Culture Exchange



Note(s) sur la portée et contenu

  • March 31 – August 15, 1989 (Gallery 9)
  • Student exhibition: In this exhibition, Museum Studies students explore some of the intriguing dimensions of buying a piece of another culture. This multi-part study examines the influences and impact tourism has on the production of cultural objects; the ingenuity of the producers in meeting expectations; the conflict inherent in selling sacred images; and the multiple roles objects play in the lives of the purchasers.

Note(s) sur la source

Note(s) d'affichage

Termes hiérarchiques

To Market, to Market . . . The Culture Exchange

Terme générique Museum exhibitions

To Market, to Market . . . The Culture Exchange

Termes équivalents

To Market, to Market . . . The Culture Exchange

Termes associés

To Market, to Market . . . The Culture Exchange

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