First Nations community members
- 25-01-04
- File
- 1965-1972
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
File consists of images of First Nations adults and children in Bella Coola, Klemtu, Bella Bella, Haida Gwaii, and Hartley Bay, BC.
Anthony Carter
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First Nations community members
Part of Anthony Carter fonds
File consists of images of First Nations adults and children in Bella Coola, Klemtu, Bella Bella, Haida Gwaii, and Hartley Bay, BC.
Anthony Carter
Ketchikan and Kitwancool Totems and Views
Part of Minn Sjolseth fonds
File consists of slides depicting totems and views labeled as in Kispiox, Kitwancool, Ketchikan, Haida, Kitseguckla, Skedans, and Kingcome. File also consists of slides documenting two of Minn Sjolseth's paintings entitled "En av de Siste" (sp?) and "Peace."
Reverend Smith Stanley Osterhout fonds
Fonds consists of 45 glass-plate lantern slides featuring scenes from Osterhout's work with B.C. First Nations, including Haida, Tsimshian and Kwakwaka'wakw. Images document First Nations individuals, communities, totem poles and landscapes of British Columbia.
Smith Stanley Osterhout