- 132-1-C-B-a040704
- Pièce
- 1965
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Prominently displays four Sxwayxwey masks.
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Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Prominently displays four Sxwayxwey masks.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Features a mask and salmon figures.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Panel for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Shows photographs and a print.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Displays a staff, a leather bad, and other items.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Displays a staff, drum, rattles and other items.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Includes bentwood boxes and a figure among other items.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Panel for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Shows drawings of herbs".
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Several argillite carvings displayed including a shaman figure by Charles Edenshaw.
Representations of Haida shaman figures
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Shows prints of Haida figures.
Intermediaries of the Northwest Coast
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Introductory panel for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast."
Rattles of the northwest coast
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Features several rattles.
The shaman of the northwest coast was primarily a healer
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Shows photographs of individuals.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Several items displayed including a mask and a bone figurine.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the museum. Possibly for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Shows several items including ornaments, a drum, and a pipe.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Display includes several small items.
Fait partie de MOA General Media collection
Display for the exhibit "The Shaman of the Northwest Coast." Shows skulls and a figure of a child.