- Fonds29 - Wilson Duff fonds
- Series6 - Teaching materials
- SubseriesD - Good student papers
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- File132 - An analysis of sources of information on Fraser drainage aboriginal population by D.L. Pokotylo
- File133 - Fishing and the Indians of B.C. by Katerine Racey
- File134 - Problems in education among the Chilcotin Indians of B.C. by John Rathjen
- File135 - Municipalization: the Cape Mudge example by Ronald Reader
- File136 - The old Wakashan style by Susan Reid
- File137 - Indians in the urban environment by Laird Rodgers
- File138 - A methodological inquiry into the structure of Kwakiutl myth by Susan Reid
- File139 - Revitalization movements of the North American Indians by Angus Robertson
- File140 - An overview of the amalgamation and proposed dissolution of the Quawshelah, Nakwakto and
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