Mostrando 586 resultados

término Materias Nota sobre el alcance Archival description count authority records count
Canneries 9 0
Funeral 5 0
Potlatch 109 0
Pole raising

Usar para: Totem pole raising

127 0
Monkeys 5 0
Bighorn Sheep

Usar para: Mountain sheep

2 0
Elk 0 0
Building Structures (16) 130 0
Military buildings 1 0
Museums 238 0
Churches 55 0
Stores, Retail

Usar para: Shops, Retail stores

4 0
Forts & fortifications

Usar para: Forts and fortifications

17 0

Usar para: Quarters, Military

2 0
Wagons & carts

Usar para: Horse & Cart, Horse & Buggy

14 0

Usar para: Village life

83 0
  • For remains of structures not of ancient times that have been destroyed or are in a state of great disrepair or decay.
3 0
Bazaar 1 0
Activities (3) 57 0
Fishing 22 0
Resultados 261 a 280 de 586