- Fonds12 - Ronnie Tessler fonds
- Series12-01 - Norman Tait canoe project and related materials
- File12-01-04 - Tait project: 1st work
- 53 more...
- Itema036486 - [Totems, longhouse and log on MOA grounds]
- Itema036487 - [Totems, longhouse and log on MOA grounds]
- Itema036488 - [Norman sketches while inside carving hut]
- Itema036489 - [Stripping bark from top of log]
- Itema036490 - [Stripping bark]
- Itema036491 - [Stripping bark from top of log]
- Itema036492 - [Grace & Sadie examine museum contact proof of old canoe]
- Itema036493 - Sisters Grace & Sadie examine museum contact proof of old canoe
- Itema036494 - [Norman and Reva regard progress]
- 34 more...