- 81-05-a033070
- Item
- 1962
Photograph of women working in a cannery.
Photograph of women working in a cannery.
Women in front of Alert Bay Community House
Two women stand in front of the Alert Bay Community House while a third woman sits at a table. The wall of the bighouse is painted with a number of figures, likely animals. The seated woman appears to be serving salmon.
Two women in front of Alert Bay Community House
Two women stand in front of the Alert Bay Community House. To the women's right is a table that appears to hold barbecued salmon. The painted wall of the Community House can be seen in the background.
Two women and a table of salmon
A woman stands next to a table holding a fillet of salmon ready for barbecuing. Another woman sits at the table preparing other fillets for cooking. Trees and blooming shrubs are visible in the background, as is a structure that may be an outhouse.
Three people watch salmon cook over a fire
Three people watch over salmon cooking over a fire
Photograph of a fish processing line, likely in a canning factory. This image shows a cart full of partially processed salmon, with two worked in the background.
Salmon on the fire outside Haida House
People stand outside the Haida House on the grounds of the Museum of Anthropology at a salmon dinner as part of a canoe benefit
Salmon on the fire outside Haida House
People stand outside the Haida House on the grounds of the Museum of Anthropology at a salmon dinner as part of a canoe benefit
Salmon on the fire outside Haida House
People stand outside the Haida House on the grounds of the Museum of Anthropology at a salmon dinner as part of a canoe benefit
Salmon cook over a fire
Salmon cook over a fire
Salmon skewered on wooden sticks cook over a fire
Salmon cook over a fire
Many salmon at different points in the process of preparation lie on a long wooden table with a pile of wood to the left and a green garbage can to the right. One person tends to a fire in the background, while another prepares the salmon.
Salmon cook over a fire
Salmon bonfire with museum in the background
People gather around a fire over which salmon are cooking outside the Museum of Anthropology
Salmon bonfire with museum in the background
People gather around a fire over which salmon are cooking outside the Museum of Anthropology
Salmon bonfire with museum in background
People gather around a fire over which salmon are cooking outside the Museum of Anthropology
Salmon bonfire with museum in background
People gather around a fire over which salmon are cooking outside the Museum of Anthropology
Salmon bonfire with museum in background
People gather around a fire over which salmon are cooking outside the Museum of Anthropology