Rites and ceremonies



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Hierarchical terms

Rites and ceremonies

Equivalent terms

Rites and ceremonies

Associated terms

Rites and ceremonies

324 Archival description results for Rites and ceremonies

58 results directly related Exclude narrower terms


  • 30-30-01-30-01-07-a039123
  • Item
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Item is a photograph of unidentified people at wedding party


  • 30-30-01-30-01-07-a039131
  • Item
  • [1862-1937, predominant 1930-1937]
  • Part of John Mennie fonds

Item is a photograph of unidentified people at a wedding party

Woman dancing

Image depicts a woman wearing wearing a mix of western clothing and regalia dancing outdoors. Several other woman can be seen dancing behind her. Spectators watch the dance as well.

Results 321 to 324 of 324